Studies show that people with social anxiety pay more attention to negative facial expressions. An eye tracking study confirmed this theory and revealed that training people to focus on positive stimuli can lead to a reduction in this bias.
At the Rett Syndrome Center at Montefiore, NY, eye tracking technology was used to compare patterns of visual processing in Rett syndrome patients and non-Rett control subjects.
Download this white paper to discover how measuring eye movements can provide insights into various brain conditions and aid early disease detection.
了解 Tobii 眼动仪如何研究眼科。
Cardiff University's School of Optometry and Vision Sciences used eye tracking from Tobii to explore eye movement in people with sight issues. The researchers looked at how environmental factors affected vision deficits.
This study focuses on eye movement disorders, in particular nystagmus, and the possibility of using eye tracking as an established form of diagnosis tool.
萨拉戈萨大学的最新研究重点是眼动追踪在验光和眼科领域的应用。该团队使用Tobii Pro Fusion验证了两项基于眼动追踪的验光测试。
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