Eye gaze technology allowed us to give Rett syndrome patients a voice – a way to communicate their perception of what they see. This is of immeasurable value because most of these patients have no other way to communicate their knowledge or understanding due to extreme physical disabilities.Dr. Aleksandra Djukic, Rett Syndrome Center, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Eye tracking used to understand Tourette syndrome
Researchers from the Cardiff School of Geography and Planning in the United Kingdom used Tobii Pro Glasses to understand the occurrence of compulsive behavior among people with Tourette syndrome.
Eye tracking as a diagnosis tool for eye movement disorders—a look at nystagmus
This study focuses on eye movement disorders, in particular nystagmus, and the possibility of using eye tracking as an established form of diagnosis tool.
Eye tracking sheds light on social anxiety
Studies show that people with social anxiety pay more attention to negative facial expressions. An eye tracking study confirmed this theory and revealed that training people to focus on positive stimuli can lead to a reduction in this bias.