Lawrence Yau
Sales Solution Architect, TOBII
Lawrence is currently a Solution Architect in Tobii's XR, Screen-based, and Automotive Integration Sales team where he shares his excitement and know-how about the ways attention computing will fuse technology's capabilities with human intent. At Tobii, Lawrence is captivated by the numerous ways that eye tracking enables natural digital experiences, provides opportunities to improve ourselves and others, and shifts behavior to achieve more satisfying and sustainable lives. With these transformative goals, he is invested in the success of those who are exploring and adopting eye tracking technologies. He is delighted to share his knowledge and passion with the XR community. His restless curiosity for humanizing technology has taken his career through facilitating integration of eye tracking technologies, developing conversational AI agents, designing the user experience for data governance applications, and building e-learning delivery and development tools. Lawrence received his BE in Electrical Engineering at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, and his MHCI at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute of Carnegie Mellon University.