Examining quiet eye with elite athletes
Quiet eye is being introduced in athlete training in a range of sports to peak performance through improved concentration and reduced stress.
在实验室环境下研究真实的人类行为并不总是最好的选择。让被试置于动态环境中,可以观察到真实世界中发生的行为。Tobii Pro Glasses 3眼动仪可在任何真实世界环境下采集高质量的眼动数据。
通过Tobii Pro Glasses 3眼动仪,您可以追踪运动员的视觉模式和潜在技巧,无需担心由于硬件和近距离观察对他们的运动带来干扰。无论身体运动幅度和速度如何,都可以确保数据质量,并通过后期数据分析确定潜在在效能提升点。
了解如何使用 Tobii Pro Glasses 3 研究运动效能。
Quiet eye is being introduced in athlete training in a range of sports to peak performance through improved concentration and reduced stress.
Technology continues to narrow the margins between winning and losing. Eye tracking allows coaches and trainers to see what their players see.
Dr. Adam Kiefer highlights the importance of physiological, emotional and perceptual-cognitive behavior in elite sports performance training.
了解如何使用 Tobii Pro Glasses 3 眼动仪研究教室内/外的学习效果
The University of Antwerp investigates whether live subtitling can help overcome the language barrier by using Tobii Pro Glasses 3 to see through the eyes of students.
Eye tracking was used in this preliminary research study by Kennesaw State University to investigate student gaze patterns during physical science lectures.
Tobii Pro Glasses 3眼动仪帮助我们了解人们是如何与计算机和设备界面进行交互的;追踪疲劳度,认知负荷及分心,进而确定哪些界面是有效的,哪些是无效的。通过Glasses 3眼动仪衡量模拟和真实环境中的交互行为,可以创建以人为中心的最佳设计,提高驾驶安全并检测潜在风险。
了解如何使用 Tobii Pro Glasses 3 眼动仪研究工程学,人机交互界面以及在模拟驾驶和太空环境下开展人类行为研究。
NASA Langley researchers discuss conducting operator state assessment using a combination of psychophysiological measures and eye tracking with commercial aviation pilots.
Prof. Dr. Kai Essig describes how eye tracking contributes to cutting-edge developments in natural user interfaces between humans and technical systems.
In this webinar we discuss the advantages and challenges of using eye tracking devices in driving simulator studies and experiences with Tobii Pro Glasses 3.
以客观的方式研究自然的人类行为和社交互动,避免由于实验室环境带来的限制。通过高生态效度的实验设计测试认知功能,如记忆、问题解决、学习和寻路。我们的穿戴眼动仪是非侵入性的,并能与EEG系统兼容(例如,Brain Products 和 Bitbrain),可以协同记录注视和大脑活动。
了解如何使用Tobii Pro Glasses 3眼动仪研究人类行为。
Hear directly from three esteemed researchers on how they have used wearable eye tracking to examine memory, problem-solving and training.
In this webinar Helen Lindner presents how she used Tobii Pro Glasses to trace cognitive processes of upper limb prosthesis users when they are operating a multifunctional prosthetic hand.