Software coding



Open-source software partners

Application name


Open-source Matlab utility for viewing and analyzing data from Tobii Pro Glasses 2 and 3. It integrates with GazeCode tool for manual mapping.

Tobii Pro Glasses 3 SDK

SDK for .net development that includes methods for managing Glasses 3 such as calibrate, record and replay eye tracking data.


Open-source controller for accessing eye-tracking data and for managing recordings, participants and calibrations using Tobii Pro Glasses 2.



Community eye-tracking infrastructure built right into development environments for software engineers and education researchers to conduct realistic eye tracking studies. Support is available for Eclipse, Visual Studio, Atom, and Chrome.


Open source cross-platform program to create experiments for psychology, neuroscience, and experimental economics.

Presentation Extension for Tobii Pro

This open-source extension can be used to directly connect Tobii Pro eye trackers with the stimulus presentation software Presentation by Neurobehavioral Systems.


Open source cross-platform package that allows a wide range of experiments in the behavioral sciences.


Open-source, cross-platform toolbox for programming experiments using Tobii Pro eye trackers.


Open-source toolbox for creating PsychToolbox experiments and controlling Tobii Pro eye trackers using Matlab. Titta can be used together with Pro Lab for eye tracking data analysis.

Titta Psychopy

Open-source toolbox for creating Psychopy experiments and controlling Tobii Pro eye trackers using Python. Titta can be used together with Pro Lab for eye tracking data analysis.

Titta Psychtoolbox

Open-source toolbox for creating PsychToolbox experiments and controlling Tobii Pro eye trackers using Matlab. Titta can be used together with Pro Lab for eye tracking data analysis.

Translog II

Translog-II is a Windows-oriented program to record and study reading and writing processes on a computer. It is used as an instrument to acquire objective, digital data of human translation processes.


EYE-EEG toolbox

The EYE-EEG toolbox is an extension fo the open-source MATLAB toolbox EEGLAB that allows researchers to synchronize and integrate eye-tracking and EEG data, detect eye movements and correct for ocular artifacts.

LSL for Screen-based eye trackers

App that makes Tobii Pro screen-based eye trackers compatible with Lab Streaming Layer. It automatically locates eye trackers and exposes eye tracking data streams in LSL.

LSL for Tobii Pro Glasses 3

App that makes Glasses 3 compatible with Lab Streaming Layer. It automatically locates Glasses 3 eye trackers and exposes eye tracking data streams in LSL.

Physiodata toolbox

The PhysioData Toolbox is a free easy-to-use and fully graphical application for visualizing, segmenting and analyzing physiological data, including eye tracking data recorded with E-Prime extensions for Tobii.